Grupo Inca is a business conglomerate formed by textile, agro-industrial, tourism, financial & service companies in Perú.


Grupo Inca

Graphic Design, Print Design, Packaging.

We need to educate about the contribution of alpaca fibre to the environment.

Grupo Inca, besides having an alpaca ranch dedicated to genetic research and the sustainable development of alpaca breeding in Peru, has two textile companies in which the alpaca fibre is the main raw material.
The conglomerate wanted to educate his clients and the people in general about the contribution of alpaca fibre to the environment and its sustainability.
They needed something they could use as a tool when presenting the many benefits of using alpaca fibre in the textile industry as well as shipping it to their customers, so they can use it with their own clients.


One of the major problems I had to solve was, how to “translate” all the technical information about alpacas and their fibre into an easier to understand language.

Technically speaking

After a lot of research on the conglomerate’s clients, it became pretty obvious to me that I needed to develop an environmentally friendly solution. Unfortunately, due to possible technical restrictions, it couldn’t be an online solution.

Environmentally friendly 


Translating it graphically


Due to the amount of information and how technical it was, I decided to develop a system of icons and infographics that would allow the users to understand the information.A “graphic language” is much more friendly, simpler to understand and much more effective in getting people’s attention.

Another way to make the information more understandable, was to organise it by subjects, in order to achieve that, I created a type of  fixed bookmarks, illustrating with the help of icons, the features of the alpaca fibre in one side and the explanation of them in the other side.


We can print it

We decided to make a book that the representatives of the company could carry to their presentations and that they could also ship to their customers.

Since it had to be environmentally friendly, I decided to design the book using recycled paper for both the cover and the pages inside. At the same time, I manage to find a low ink printing system.

The cover of the book would be perforated with the title and I’d use a debossing technique for the logos, avoiding in that way the use of ink.

Since the book needed to be protected, I created a packaging using the letters that were cutout to make the cover of the book.

An environmentally friendly and technical, but easy to understand book.


The Book Cover

The Book Pages

The Packaging

These are the letters we got from making the book cover